Damage Waiver And Tax Not Included!

EZ Trench, 13" Trencher

$135.00 USD - 4 Hours ( Damage waiver and tax not included. )
$185.00 USD - 24 Hours ( Damage waiver and tax not included. )

E-Z Trench EZ9000 Trencher Width of 2.5" and Depth up to 13"

The on-the-go depth adjustment enables the operator to dig a trench 2.5" wide from 0 to 13" deep with ease. Groundsaw will trench up to 100 feet in approximately 5 minutes depending on soil conditions. Trench through soft to medium dense ground. Will not go through rock, roots larger than 1/2", or frozen ground.

Weight - 250 lbs

8hp motor

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